Thursday, May 21, 2009

To the Rescue Day!

Talin's favorite toy. Suprise, suprise!
("Push me mom!")

Its the Wheehoo Wheehoo Trucks!

Talin and I spent the morning yesterday at a city services fair. Tom got to show kids from the local schools inside the ambulance. There were also fire trucks, swat cars, city utilities trucks, and a lot of other city related services all on display. I got some really good pictures of Talin with Tom and on the trucks. Talin loves anything with wheels. The other day Tom was installing the car seat while Talin and I waited outside. Talin walked up to the bumper and tried to push the car. He even made his signature growling sound. My little man 100% boy.

1 comment:

Gillaire said...

looks like you have a future fireman on your hands lol