Thursday, May 21, 2009

To the Rescue Day!

Talin's favorite toy. Suprise, suprise!
("Push me mom!")

Its the Wheehoo Wheehoo Trucks!

Talin and I spent the morning yesterday at a city services fair. Tom got to show kids from the local schools inside the ambulance. There were also fire trucks, swat cars, city utilities trucks, and a lot of other city related services all on display. I got some really good pictures of Talin with Tom and on the trucks. Talin loves anything with wheels. The other day Tom was installing the car seat while Talin and I waited outside. Talin walked up to the bumper and tried to push the car. He even made his signature growling sound. My little man 100% boy.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I did my first 5k this past Saturday. If you don't know it, 5k is 3 miles. My time was 38min. 11sec. At least I was not last. I did it after not training at all for a week and a half so I was very happy I finished. My big relay next month will be 3 legs. The first leg is 6.7 miles and the second is 3 miles the third is 3.3. I will have to complete all three in a 48 hour period so we will see how I do. If you want to know more about the race you can go to the relay is done all over the country. The one here in Utah is call Wasatch Back.
The video is of me finishing the 5k.

Friday, May 1, 2009

YEAH me!

I just found out yesterday that I got a position as a scrapbook designer for the local store here in Brigham City. It took a month before they called me and told me I got it. I was so excited, I thought they had chosen someone else. I made a book for Talin's grandma of a three generation teddy bear. That made them interested, so they gave me a trial run with a very complicated kit. I made it and took it in. Later I saw it up in the store but I didn't hear from them in a long time, so I figured it didn't do well. I was so wrong. I guess they sold off the table. The store couldn't get them put together fast enough. It made me so happy to know that something I designed was so popular. I have been trying different crafting ideas and I finally found something that I can do well enough to market. It doesn't really pay, I get store credit, but it gives me something to do and a way to use my talents. The pictures below are the album that I used as a resume and the teddy bear. I wish I could show you my work, but until I am no longer under contract I am not allow to post any photos.

This bear belonged to Tom's dad Terry, when he was a baby, then it was Tom's when he was a baby. Now it is Talin's. He loves it! He is always reaching for it. It plays music so Talin listens to it when he goes to sleep at night.